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Chris Woomer

During the planning of our #BarrelGang torture test event we wanted to make sure that we placed heavy emphasis on the list of shooters that would be attending. This was not designed to be your regular “media” event where folks come in for Instagram selfies (and such), we wanted a working activity where we would truly test these products and record everything along the way. One of the first names that came to mind was a person that we have had the pleasure of working with before. Someone who takes their range time very seriously and sees it as one of the best ways to personally develop a better version of yourself every-time you send rounds down range. Chris Woomer (Veil Solutions ) was that dude and we were honored that he was able to come out. The moment Chris arrived he was in “work mode” and it showed during our range time. Chris took that American Defense Mfg. Greenline Combat carbine and ran it like he stole it to test out our Bloodline & Purebred products the best he could. Take a second to get to know Chris and find out how we are legitimately #MakingBarrelsGreatAgain!

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